Jib League at Sugar Bowl

April 7-10, 2024

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Sugar Bowl is stoked to be the first-ever stop in the US for Jib League. Billed as a celebration of public parks, Jib League was created to offer a more welcoming experience for both the pros and the public. During the Open Jam session day, you could be skiing alongside the likes of James Woods or Joss Christensen. Top ams from the Open Session will then get tapped to join for the following Pro Session film days.

In contrast to typical competitions, the Jib League operates without judges. Sessions transition seamlessly from rails to jumps, each conducted as a jam session. And at the end of the day, the crew gathers to reflect, bask in the day's stoke, share a meal, and vote for their personal favorites.

Jib League is open to all ages, genders and abilities. Spectators are also encouraged to bring the good vibes.

Entry Fee? None, just grab a lift ticket and season pass, sign a waiver and get out there to shred. $79 athlete lift tickets for 4/7. Purchase at the ticket window.

Photos by Alex Jeynes Photography

Confirmed Athletes

Men Confirmed:


Ferdinand Dahl

James Woodsy

Øystein Bråten

Joona Kangas 

Hugo Burval 

Max Moffat 

Daniel Bacher 

Benjamin Carlund

Jackson Wells

Tormod Frostad

Mac Forehand

Quin Wolferman


Keegan Kilbride 

Joss Christensen

Jossi Wells

Cody La’Plante


Kai Mahler

Mikkel BK

Matej Svancer - Unicorn


A Hall

Nico Porteous


Ladies Confirmed:



Taylor Lundquist

Rell Harwood

Megan Oldhamm

Olivia Asselin

Anni Karava


Jib League Schedule
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